Reflexology is an ancient, holistic healing art based on the science that there are reflex points in the ears, hands and feet that correspond to every tissue, gland, organ and system in the body.
Reflex points on the foot are stimulated by applying pressure with the thumbs. This pressure sends a message to the brain which then signals the body to begin the process of homeostasis, which is the body’s natural balanced state.
Reflexology is a very relaxing and therapeutic treatment. Body-Mind healing is most supported when the nervous system is in parasympathetic up-regulation, also known as our ‘rest & digest’ system. Reflexology & Reiki very quickly help the body-mind to enter this relaxed state in which healing can begin.
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki has been described as spiritually guided life force energy - Reiki goes where it needs to go. It is beautiful in its simplicity.
All Reflexology treatments include Reiki and with the client's permission, the use of therapeutic grade Young Living Essential Oils. Reiki is simply Universal Life Force Energy that is available to every living thing. This energy allows muscles to relax and increases blood flow to treated areas, which in turn accelerates the healing process.
* Please be advised that Kelly is not permitted to diagnose or treat specific physical and or mental-emotional conditions.
Additional Benefits:
• Stress Relief
• Relaxation
• Headache and migraine relief
• Eases digestive troubles
• Relieves sinus congestion
• Soothes tired, aching feet and legs
• Body and mind return to their natural balanced state